Title: Dog Days Are Over Author: olivia_j Pairing: Kate Walsh/Lisa Edelstein Rating: PG Word Count: 1065 Summary: Kate and Lisa's dogs have a play date. Kate is depressed. Lisa cheers her up. Disclaimer: This is entirely fictional.
Title: Say It’s Possible (1/?) Fandom: RPS - yes, that’s real person slash. Pairing: Eliza Dushku/Katie Heigl. Rating: PG-13, for now. Words: 1057. Notes/Disclaimer: LOTS that you can read at my journal lol.
Title: We Will Be Such Blushing Brides Challenge: femslash100 #110: remainder (going back to #88: hips) Fandom: RPFS Pairing: Kate Walsh/Katie Heigl Word Count: 155 Rating: R